
This Spotlight article was published in the February issue of Ceramics Monthly about little ol' me (!) and my collaboration with La Marzocco Home. Thank you to Marcie McCabe (PR to Pottery Northwest) for the introduction, & thank you to Jessica Knapp (editor, Ceramics Monthly) for your interest in the project and your guidance. 

My brother & I grew up on two sides of the product design field - he is in tech, and I was the physical design stuff. We made a deal many moons ago that whichever of us made it into I.D. Magazine first, the other would buy them dinner at a restaurant of their choice.  
@Jofish - this isn't I.D. Magazine -- but it IS a full page spread.  
Do you want to settle up?

Lastly, a grateful shout out to Kelly Ballantyne photographer extraordinaire, who made me smile, and managed a number of nice photographs of me in the studio that day.  (This is no easy task, I grimace almost involuntarily at cameras.) I highly recommend her for ambiance portrait work - look how warm and inviting this photo is. 

Originally published in the February 2016 issue of Ceramics Monthly, page (80). 
Copyright, The American Ceramic Society. Reprinted with permission."